About Jamat Raza e Mustafa

Jamat Raza e Mustafa

Jamat Raza e Mustafa is a universal organisation founded by Imam Ahmad Raza Khan in 1920.The grand Imam established it to make Muslim religiously, socially and financially strong as well as powerful. The clear purpose of this organisation is to deny misguided sects and protect Muslim belief.There are some most important personalities behind the marvellous success of this movement like Hujjatul Islam Muhammid Hamid Raza Khan, Mufti e Azam e Hind Muhammad Mustafa Raza Khan, Sadar ul Shariah Mufti Amjad Ali Azmi Sher be Shahe Ahal e Sunnat Hashmat Ali Khan and Sadrul Afazil Sayyad Muhammad Naimuddin Moradabadi etc.

The great services of Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Fazil-E-Barelvi are Global, Really a versatile genius, leading scholar, eminent jurist of his time and staunch upholder of Holy Prophet’s (Sallallahu Aliahe Wasallam) traditions & revivalist of Present century who devoted himself with all the energy at his command to the cause of Deen-E-Mateen, To safeguard, protect and promote the spirit of Shariah he cared least for scolding and sarcasms of their who did not agree with him in the interpretation of the ways of Allah.

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